About Our Contributors


Left: Sheila Cliffe. I am a professor at Jumonji Gakuen Women’s University. I am also a kimono researcher, teacher, wearer, and collector. I have been enjoying kimono life for over 25 years. I became interested in the reality of kimono wearers, “end user research” and that how this research and page started.

シーラ クリフと申します。十文字大学の教授です。着物研究者、先生, 着る人を着る側でもあり、コレクターでもあります。25年以上着物ライフを楽しんでいます。今は着物を着る人、持っている人の実情にとても興味があるので箪笥開きを始めました。

Center: Kumiko Ishioka. I love to wear kimono and share the kimono topic with other people, dress other people, teach people how to wear kimono or how to dress somebody in it, make events or tours to learn about dyeing the kimono fabric for both Japanese people and foreign people. I have seen and touched very old and new kimono fabrics and listened to many kimono stories during the time I worked in a kimono store. I am looking forward to seeing many people and listening to their kimono stories and sharing them with you.


Right: Todd Fong. I’m a professional photographer originally from the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Since relocating to the Tokyo area in 2014, I have worked with Sheila Cliffe on several kimono related projects and have learned to appreciate the world of kimono for myself. I look forward to working with Sheila and Kumiko on this unique project giving the world its first detailed look at the personal kimono collections of Japanese people.
